Monday, January 31, 2011


Hello everyone! we know that you all are excited for this coming Chinese New Year holiday. Although, some of us still have classes during this week, maybe your conscious are now at home. haha... Well, we from hungry blog also are excited to go back home especially to taste our mom's cooking. So, we back on our topic this week which is CHINESE NEW YEAR CUISINE!!! We always knew one thing that we eat during hari raya which is rendang, ketupat, lemang, and many more. But, we are One Malaysia and we do celebrate other races festival celebration, so, we try to bring you all what usually the Chinese do eating during their Chinese New Year. 

 This is Kung Pao Chicken. emm.. emm..

The Kung Pao Chicken look so tasty does it?
Named after a court official or "Kung Pao," 
Kung Pao Chicken is a spicy Szechuan dish 
made with diced chicken, peanuts and chili peppers. 


Yusheng is a raw fish salad. 
we would familiar with this when people are surrounding 
the table and pull Yusheng up to the air
Eating this salad is said to bring good luck. 
This dish is usually eaten on the seventh day of the New Year, 
but may also be eaten throughout the period.


During the Chinese New Year
families may serve uncut noodles, 
which represent longevity and long life, 
though this practice is not limited to the new year.

This is Turnip Cake. Ever try it before???

This dish made of shredded radish and rice flour, 
and is usually fried and cut into small squares.
 Haha.. We sure never want to leave this one behind! the Mandrin Oranges! 

We know that you all will always hope for free box of oranges during the Chinese New Year!

So, this are the five main cuisine during Chinese New Year.
There are a lot more dishes to be presented but you can 
check out for yourself. 
Last but not least, happy holiday and
p/s: don't get eat to much oranges and see you all next week! 

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